Essential Animal Handling Equipment for 2024

For veterinarians, animal control officers, and other animal professionals, having top-of-the-line animal handling equipment is crucial for ensuring safe and effective handling. The right tools can make the difference between a successful capture and potential escape, injury, or other negative outcomes. It’s essential for these professionals to be prepared for any situation with a comprehensive kit of proper animal handling equipment. Here, we’ve compiled a list of must-have items for animal care professionals, including gloves, catching poles, snares, and carriers.

Animal Catching Poles

Catching poles are indispensable for capturing various animals, both domestic and wild, when they’re roaming freely. These poles are primarily used on medium to large dogs but can also be effective for cats, cougars, reptiles, and other wild animals. These tools come in long batons with a noose or extendable poles to safely capture animals from a distance. Whether an animal is loose in your facility or running wild in a neighborhood, catching poles are essential animal handling equipment.

Product Recommendations:

animal catching pole
  • Ketch-All Poles: Known for their durability and effectiveness, Ketch-All Poles come in various lengths to suit different scenarios. They are designed to quickly and safely capture animals while minimizing stress and injury.
  • Dual Release Catch Pole from Humaniac: This innovative pole allows for two release mechanisms, providing flexibility and control during the capture process. It’s particularly useful in high-stress situations where a quick release is necessary.

Catching poles are made from high-strength materials, ensuring they can withstand the force of a struggling animal. The noose or loop at the end is typically adjustable, allowing for a secure yet gentle hold on the animal. When selecting a catching pole for your animal handling equipment, consider the size and temperament of the animals you frequently handle, as well as the environments in which you work.

Animal Handling Gloves

Animal handling gloves are the first line of defense against potentially aggressive animals. They come in various calibers that define their thickness, strength, and protective attributes. Different situations call for different types of gloves for animal handling equipment.

Product Recommendations:

rabies gloves - animal control, animal handling equipment
  • Humaniac Critter Gloves: These gloves provide moderate protection up to the elbow, offering a balance between protection and dexterity. They are touch screen compatible, making them ideal for use in modern veterinary settings where digital devices are commonly used.
  • Bite Protection Gloves: Lined with Kevlar® for enhanced protection, these gloves are designed to withstand bites and scratches from more aggressive animals. They offer reinforced stitching and additional padding in critical areas, ensuring maximum safety for the handler.
  • Orphan Gloves: Specifically designed for animal handling equipment for very young and vulnerable animals, Orphan Gloves are gentle and hypoallergenic. They are made from materials that are safe for sensitive skin, both for the handler and the animal.

When choosing animal handling gloves, consider the type of animals you work with and the level of protection you need. Thicker, more robust gloves are suitable for handling aggressive or dangerous animals, while lighter gloves are better for delicate or routine tasks.

Animal Snares

Animal snares are a fundamental piece of animal handling equipment, offering a gentler and safer way to catch scared or evasive animals. Snares are not recommended for use on aggressive or dangerous animals but are perfect for those that are difficult to catch otherwise.

Product Recommendations:

animal handling equipment - snares
  • Super Snare: The Super Snare is designed for quick deployment and secure capture. It features a locking mechanism that ensures the animal cannot escape once captured, making it ideal for use in high-pressure situations.
  • Snappy Snare: This snare is known for its ease of use and versatility. It can be used on a wide range of animals, from small pets to larger wildlife. The Snappy Snare is lightweight and portable, making it a great addition to any animal handling kit.

Snares work by gently looping around the animal’s body or limb, allowing the handler to control and restrain the animal with minimal stress. They are particularly useful for capturing animals that are skittish or difficult to approach. When using snares fro your animal handling equipment, it’s important to ensure that they are properly fitted and used according to manufacturer guidelines to avoid injury to the animal.

Animal/Pet Carriers

No animal handler should be without an animal carrier. These carriers are crucial animal handling equipment for transporting animals safely and come in various sizes and calibers to suit different needs. Whether you’re a pet owner or an animal professional, having a reliable carrier is essential.

Product Recommendations:

animal handling equipment, carrier
  • Pet Porter: This consumer-friendly carrier is designed for ease of use and comfort for the animal. It features a sturdy construction and ample ventilation, ensuring that the animal remains calm and comfortable during transport.
  • Tru Catch Carrier: Designed for veterinarians and professional use, the Tru Catch Carrier offers superior security and durability. It features reinforced doors and latches, making it suitable for transporting even the most unruly animals.

Carriers should be selected based on the size and weight of the animal, as well as the specific needs of the situation. For example, a carrier used for transporting a sick or injured animal should have easy access points for medical treatment. Additionally, carriers should be easy to clean and disinfect to prevent the spread of disease.

Animal Snare Trap

For situations requiring a more secure capture method, an animal snare trap can be invaluable. These traps are designed to safely and humanely capture animals, allowing for their relocation or treatment without harm. They are particularly useful animal handling equipment when dealing with feral or wild animals that are hard to approach.

Product Recommendations:

  • Humaniac Animal Snare Trap: This trap is designed for quick setup and reliable performance. It features a sensitive trigger mechanism that ensures the animal is captured without injury. The trap is made from durable materials, making it suitable for use in various environments.
  • Catchmaster Snare Trap: Known for its effectiveness and ease of use, the Catchmaster Snare Trap is ideal for capturing a wide range of animals. It features a robust construction and a humane capture mechanism, ensuring the safety of the animal during the capture process.

Snare traps are essential for animal control professionals who need to capture animals in a variety of settings. They are particularly useful animal handling equipment when dealing with feral or wild animals that cannot be easily approached. When using snare traps, it’s important to regularly check them to ensure the captured animal does not suffer from stress or injury.

Additional Considerations for Animal Handling Equipment

When assembling your animal handling equipment kit, it’s important to consider the specific needs of your practice or fieldwork. Here are a few additional tips to keep in mind:

  1. Training and Practice: Ensure that you and your team are well-trained in the use of all equipment. Regular practice can help you become more proficient and confident in handling animals safely.
  2. Maintenance and Inspection: Regularly inspect and maintain your equipment to ensure it remains in good working condition. Replace any worn or damaged items promptly to avoid potential failures during use.
  3. Customization: Depending on the animals you handle, you may need to customize your equipment kit. For example, if you frequently handle reptiles, you may need specialized tools like reptile hooks and tongs.
  4. Safety First: Always prioritize safety for both the handler and the animal. Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow best practices to minimize the risk of injury.

By equipping yourself with these essential pieces of animal handling equipment, you ensure not only your safety but also the welfare of the animals you handle. Always stay prepared and updated with the latest and best tools available in 2024. Investing in high-quality equipment and proper training will lead to more successful and humane outcomes in your animal handling endeavors.