Air Purification

There are two highly effective approaches to air purification in animal facilities. The first involves combining charcoal filters (for odour control) with HEPA filters (for disease control). The HEPA filter must be true “hospital grade” in order to remove viruses and bacteria. In this approach, the charcoal and HEPA filters are replaced periodically.The second approach is ion and ozone generation. Negative ions and ozone seek out and destroy all airborne contaminants such as odour molecules and disease pathogens. The destroyed particles literally drop out of the air.
Advantages: In addition to thoroughly cleaning your indoor air, a distinct advantage of either approach to air purification is that costly heat exchangers or fans are not needed for controlling odours or disease. Great for any location where animals are kept.
Sizing: Air purifiers must be sized correctly for your facility. Experts recommend at least ten air exchanges per hour ? more than ten is a bonus. To determine the cubic footage of each room for the proper purifier, multiply the Length x Width x Ceiling Height. If you have 3,000 cf, you need a machine that will move 30,000 cf/hr to achieve ten exchanges per hour. You can combine machines for larger areas.

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