Humane Animal Handling Classes

Humane low stress animal handling course run by our expert trainer Dr Caroline Cook


Our training specialises in the field of safe animal handling. Founder and Lead Trainer, Dr Caroline Cook, has over 19 years’ experience as a Veterinarian and over 12 years’ experience designing and delivering safe, low-stress and fear-free animal handling training in the animal welfare and animal management sectors.

Caroline’s extensive experience as a veterinarian and having worked with both owned and stray dogs and cats at 3 of the biggest shelters in Victoria has given her a unique understanding of animal body language. She is passionate about improving the way humans read animal body language in order to increase the safety and wellbeing of both species.

In addition to training thousands of shelter employees, shelter volunteers and council-employed Animal Management Officers, she has also brought her love for training and education to the TAFE sector, delivering the Veterinary Nursing Certificate IV at Victoria University.

Always striving for continuous improvement, Caroline has collaborated with Workplace Quality and Safety managers to improve animal handling policies and procedures for the benefit of both human safety and animal wellbeing.

Experience a full day of training with equipment provided by ACES, contact us on 03 9532 6069 or at [email protected] for more information and arrange a quote today

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